Consign With Us

  • What We Do

    Tiffany’s Treasures and Trinkets is a Maryland business specializing in consigning clothing, accessories, and home goods entirely on online selling platforms such as ebay, Poshmark, Mercari, Etsy, Facebook, our own website and many others. As a client, you give Tiffany's Treasures and Trinkets consent to sort, picture, list, store, and ship all items given. We now offer a 6 month consignment term. We believe that everything will sell eventually and we will provide our service to our clients and provide payouts until all items sell or until the term is up. The clock starts on the day an item is listed on ebay and will vary for every item consigned based on when it was first listed.

  • How It Works

    Sale prices will be decided by Tiffany's Treasures and Trinkets after researching similar items’ current rate. Once an item is sold, Tiffany's Treasures and Trinkets will ship the item to the buyer and record the sale on a spreadsheet. The client will receive an email after the end of the month stating that month’s sales and your accumulated balance. The client percentage is determined by the net sale proceeds after selling platform fees and shipping costs. Payouts of $25.00 or more will be paid upon request around the 15th of each month for the previous month’s sales. Payment is available by check, ACH, Paypal or Venmo. Any account that is under $25.00 will roll over to the following pay period.

  • What We Take

    Tiffany's Treasures and Trinkets has the right to deny any items. Garments with holes, stains, wash wear, or broken/non working items cannot be sold and will be donated. Inauthentic items also cannot be sold and will be donated. We do take name brand bras but do not accept used socks and used underwear. Items can be denied due to a number of reasons such as, but not limited to condition of the item, brand, desirability, retail value and current style.


1. Collect all items that you would like to sell. 

2. Request a drop off date/time from 

3. Items will be sorted, pictured, listed, stored, and shipped while you sit back and make money!

4. Tiffany’s Treasures and Trinkets has many consignors. We currently have a several month backlog. We make every effort to be fair and will list the consignments in the order they are received, unless there are items in your consignment that are season appropriate for the current season, in which case, they may "jump the line" so as to give them the best shot at being sold quickly. Alternatively, if your items are not aligned with the season we are in when we get to your items, we may hold them until closer to the appropriate season.

5.  Spread the word!  Like and follow us on social media, share us with your friends. Join us for our monthly live sales on Facebook. The more customers we get, the more money you will make.

Send us an email for more information